Sixth Sense

Sixth SenseWhen we think about the sixth sense other than “I see dead people” we tend to think of phsycics, telepathy, controling something with just your mind, or even predicting the future. Many would deem this impossible or fake, but science has made brekthroughs in understanding more about our extrasensory capabilities. There have been succesful experiments where a computer interface reads its user’s brainwaves, making it possible to control virtual objects, and even physical electronics, with mere thoughts. Is telepahic communication the next step in human evolution? 

Another less supernatural idea of a sixth sense is ‘Proprioception’ the medical term that describes the ability to sense the orientation of our body in the environment. In other words, it is basically defined as our ability to sense exactly where our body is. It works unconsciously in our body and allows us to move quickly and freely without having to consciously think about where we are in an environment.

Keeping with the art theme Imagine being able to create art with your mind. We can all imagine a piece of art before we atempt to convert that into an actaul piece, but what if we were hooked up to a computer reading our brainwaves and a robot created the art from our thoughts.